Hillcroft LRC

Posts Tagged ‘programming

Calculating Ada from Radio TimesYou may have noticed the BBC is currently running a season programmes on everything digital.

We’ve just added BBC4’s Calculating Ada: the Countess of Computing from the season to our collection. Ada Lovelace was Lord Byron’s daughter and her mother ensured Ada learnt about mathematics so as to separate her from her father’s literary legacy. Ada recognised the value of Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine and tried to raise funds so it could progress. She published the first computer programme and influenced the work of Alan Turing. If you missed the programme you can catch up on BBC iPlayer.

We’ve not recorded all of the programmes for our college but you can find out about other programmes on the BBC Make It Digital page. There you’ll find programmes about women programming, game makers and how algorithms work. Plus there’s a chance to vote on who you think is the biggest digital influencer.


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